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2007/12/4 14:29:58 来源:商务英语:货运细节通知书范文
  这是一封有关装船细节的通知书。Consignmet 是“发送”;as stipulated 是“按照规定”;marking 是“标志”,俗称“唛头”;MS 是motor ship的缩写,意思是“柴油机船”。clean B/L 是“清洁提单”;sight draft 是“即期汇票”,也就是“见票即付的票据”。
Particulars of Shipment
  To your Order No. 855 of June 10, We are glad to inform you that your consignment of TVs has now been dispatched as stipulated.
  Packing: In wooden cases
  Marking & Numbering: SS over London with case number 1-2200.
  Weight of each case: 70 kilograms
  Measurement of each case: 1.8 m X 0.8 m X 1.8 m
  Shipment: MS Changjiang which sailed from Shanghai on July 15, scheduled to arrive at London on September 2.
  Clean B/Ls in complete set, together with Commercial Invoice and Insurance Policy have been negotiated through The Bank of China, Shanghai with the sight draft under your L/C No. 24468. We shall be pleased to hear that goods have arrived safely and in good order.
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